Thursday, March 26, 2009

Long time, no write

So, I realize that it's been a while since I have updated this blog. I've just been really busy with school and work and trying to have some sort of social life, although that part hasn't been going anywhere.

Tomorrow I'm heading on a day trip back to Eastern to meet with my advisor. We'll be figuring out my summer and fall schedule. I think the trip will be a good thing for me. I've been missing Eastern a lot lately, since all of my friends are there and I'm stuck here at home with my parents.

Well, other than that, there's nothing really going on. I'll try to be a bit more regular in my updates.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Truth

So, I've basically been lying to people for a while now. As far as my close friends and relations know, I have been having seizures. While this part is true, we left out an important detail. I am also suffering from night terrors.

Now, we're not quite sure exactly what they are, but after browsing Web MD I decided that night terrors fix my symptoms quite closely. I have had many of them in a short period of time, and I am very afraid. My doctor said that if they do not stop I will have to go to the hospital for a few days and have 24-hour observation.

Well, that sucks.

I mean, seriously. It's the holidays! My birthday is tomorrow, Christmas is in a few days, and you want me to be stuck in a hospital??? I know that this is in my best interest, but I still hate it.

So there. That's the truth. Take it or leave it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I Can Do it All!

I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew. To be admitting this possibility is a huge step for me, but that doesn't help me very much otherwise. Basically, this is my life right now:

1. RHA Secretary
This is a fairly large responsibility, consisting of writing and typing up minutes, attending roughly three meetings weekly, and doing other campus activities.

2. Equestrian Club Secretary
This is a slightly smaller but still important post, and part of my job will be to help the club write up bylaws and a constitution. It also involves me hanging out at the barn all the time, which is very fun. :D

3. Debut Day Leader (?)
This is my latest piece of news. At my school freshmen and transfer students go through a "Debut Day" in the summer that helps them get familiar with the campus and meet new people. I recently recieved an email that said I was chosen as a finalist. I must give a presentation on Wednesday, and they will pick the official leaders after that. If I get this job (yes, it pays!), I will have to go through a lot of training, and then I will help run the Debut Days over the summer and give tours on campus during the spring and fall semesters.

I am very excited about this opportunity, and I really hope that I get it. However, I'm a bit nervous about what this will do to my sanity. The only problem is that I want to do it all, so I would have a hard time giving something up. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meyer book is no more, bad move

I first became a fan of Stephenie Meyer when I read her adult book "The Host." Later, at the insistence of a friend, I read Meyer's young adult series "Twilight." Although they weren't the best books, they were easy to read, were relatively rich with action and had some well-developed characters.

However, recent events have made me want to deny that I was ever a fan and supporter of Meyer.

She had given incomplete copies of her next book, "Midnight Sun," a repeat of the first book written from a different character's perspective, to "trusted individuals." Recently, one of these copies was leaked onto the Internet, and within days a large number of people had read the unedited draft of the first 12 chapters.

On Aug. 28, Meyer announced on her Web site that the book was no longer going to be published.

"If I tried to write 'Midnight Sun' now, in my current frame of mind, [the bad guy] would probably win and all the [good guys] would die…I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on 'Midnight Sun,' and so it is on hold indefinitely," the announcement read.

Seriously, Meyer needs to step back and do a reality check. Anyone who writes extremely popular books will have details leaked, but that's simply the price of fame. And in this case, it is not the fan's fault, but the fault of Meyer herself.

It is not as though someone hacked into her computer; she gave copies away. She should have known that there was a chance that it would be posted on the internet, and she shouldn't be punishing her fans for a mistake that she made.

As for her statement on Meyer's Web site, it makes her sound like a child. Of course it is upsetting when someone betrays your trust, but the way she reacted is something that you would expect from a child, not an adult. Saying that the villain would win and everyone would die is taking the situation a little too far.

Many of her fans who knew about "Midnight Sun" were eagerly awaiting its release and anticipating the insight it would give them into the other character. They weren't the one who posted her work online for the whole world to see. They had absolutely nothing to do with the leak, but now Meyer is punishing them after they stood by her for so many years as she made her way to the top of bestseller lists.

And it's not like releasing the finished book would hurt her sales seeing as how she's already so popular. Plus, not everyone is Internet savvy and constantly searching for leaked books.

Meyer should get over the fact that her work was leaked and move on. It is understandable if she needs to take a break, but canceling her book permanently because she can't get over it is simply being rude to her readers and unprofessional toward her publisher(s) is not.

If she wants to be respected she needs to grow up and stop punishing fans for something that wasn't their fault.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Women Can Play Video Games, Too

It's an hour after dinner, and I decide to unwind by breaking one of the most common gender-based stereotypes. I turn on my TV and start playing a video game.

I am not what you would call a hard-core gamer, but I play quite a bit and like comparing games with other people. But whenever I join a conversation about video games, I am met with strange looks. One friend put it quite bluntly: "Girls who spend more than 20 minutes on their hair don't play video games."

But why should it be that way? I shouldn't get strange looks when I play video games or when I walk into a GameStop store. Guys aren't the only people who can enjoy video games. The only problem is that women aren't expected to. Believe it or not, women are interested in more things than shopping and doing their hair. We shouldn't be dismissed in the gaming world.

According to ABC News, the number of women playing video games is on the rise. This encouraged me, until I did a search for news articles concerning women and video games. It seems that we have yet to escape the stereotype.

In the articles that I found, various marketers were quoted regarding the types of games that appeal to women. I was disappointed to hear that we are still battling the assumption that women just care about shopping. Women shouldn't be afraid to play video games, and guys should be more accepting.

The reports claimed that women only like nonviolent, peaceful games, like The Sims and Harvest Moon. Now, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with these games. It just annoys me that developers think that is all we enjoy.

I have played shooter games, racing games and RPGs, also known as Role-Playing Games. And even though I'm a girl, I enjoyed them. They are a great way to relieve stress and it's nice to know that if you make a mistake, you'll be able to jump back up and try again. I'm currently making my way through The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a game that, according to experts, shouldn't hold my interest.

I don't have a problem with women who only like the nonviolent games. I know it's a personal preference, and I respect that. The only problem I have is being treated like we don't belong in a world of gaming, when both men and women should be able to enjoy themselves. There shouldn't be an unspoken assumption that keeps us out, and we shouldn't be treated differently when we try to join.

Unfortunately, gaming is not the only stereotype we have to deal with. Head over to the gym, and you'll see that almost all of the people playing basketball there are guys. Very rarely do you see a girl there. If they do join the games, they have trouble being accepted into the action and respected for their shots. These stereotypes against women are going on everywhere. Most people just choose not to see it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Plan B

Today was supposed to be the day that my blog changed. Unfortunately, my original plan got changed, and I seriously need to rant about it before my head explodes. So even though Plan A failed, I shall change my blog with a flimsy Plan B.

See, last week I wrote a column for my school's newspaper that was supposed to be featured on Wednesday. However, a timelier article was written and my column got pushed back until this Friday. Of course, I told this news to pretty much everyone that I know, from my journalism professor to my grandparents. This morning I picked up a copy of the paper, flipped eagerly to page 4 and saw...someone else's article. After much swearing and ranting to both my parents on the phone, I called my editor and left an impressively calm message. He texted me back a little while later and promised to call me between 10 and 11am. It is now 1pm, and I am still waiting for his call.

Now, I'm not an unreasonable person. I understood when my column was pushed back in favor of the timely article. I would have probably understood if my editor had bothered to tell me that my column wouldn't be published on Friday. The only problem I have is that nobody bothered to tell me anything. If somebody had bothered to explain, and if my editor had graced me with a call this morning like he promised, I wouldn't be so mad. Apparently that's just the way life works.

Hopefully my column will be published one of these days. And if not, the newspaper's supervisor will definitely be hearing from me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blog Revamp

After a long absence, I have decided to revamp my blog. The title and "theme" is going to be changed, and I will be updating at a regular pace with editorials/opinion articles that I am writing for my university's newspaper. I will also probably write posts on whatever happens to be on my mind at the time. The first opinion article that I post will probably be the last one with a more "female take" on things; after that I will change my style of writing.

So please keep visiting; I promise that this will be more active very soon. Any comments are appreciated!